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Ascal Vetag
Ordeal by fire
Picture of Ascal

Date of birth : 26 October 221 A.D.

Species : Witch-lycan hybrid

Method of immortality : Docility

Occupation : Prosecutor

Alignment : Chaotic Good : those that combine a good heart with a free spirit.

Personality : Ascal is a playful one, socially outgoing. In spite of this, he dons an aloof persona, taking mild amusement in getting under others' skin. He allows pretended sincerity to roll off him in cascades of quicksilver sarcasm; it is a cumbersome task to catch him at a solemn moment. Humour operates as his defence mechanism against all of the tragedy he has existed through, but this is little known, as most see him as shallow and pompous.

Faceclaim(s) : Daniel Sharman and Robert Sheehan.


»» Ascal was a bright, sweet boy, undoubtedly traumatised by the brutality that surrounded him, and that he was obligated to become desensitised to due to being from a family of power and honour. He looked up to his older siblings for their strengths, and tried tirelessly to do his father proud.

»» When Laosx died, Ascal was so devastated that he lost his appetite to the point of starving half to death. The Vetag was an emotionally dissonant household, and he could not channel his grief into anything else. Didn't know how to.

»» The last thing he wanted was to be tasked with the responsibility of being the heir to his father in his brother's place. Partly due to the hatred Alanis had for him once he was, but also because he felt as if he were intruding into a place that was not made for him. In truth, he was. Ascal was too weak-hearted to have been ready for such a position. But he learned. He had no choice, but to learn.

»» The slaughter of the Tharos and the thousands that died for the vendetta against him was another awakening moment for him. He was disgusted with his father for allying with their murderers, and even more aghast at the prospect of pursuing Immortality. By this point, Ascal did not believe that anyone in the world at such brutal times as these deserved to live another day, let alone eternity. But, like with the rest of his life, he was left no choice. So he learned. He acclimated.

»» Was betrothed to a woman of renowned blood since before he could walk the engagement in order to forge an alliance between two dueling families. He hardly knew her throughout their betrothal, and even when they were wed, it never stopped him from being sexually promiscuous. She perished of disease before their second year of marriage could arrive. It was at that point that he felt a prickling of guilt for his treatment of her, but like he had been taught by his apathetic father, he pushed through such emotions. Banished them.

»» Already famed in the modern day for being the son of such a reputed family, he made a name for himself as a prosecutor in criminal court. Outside of his work, he is notorious for leading on as flippant and careless. He flaunts his riches, skimming his way from indulgence to indulgence.

»» Considers himself far too old to care.

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