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Charlie Tenelth
Ordeal by fire
Picture of Charlie

NAME. » Charlie Tenelth.

ALSO KNOWN AS. » Lily, Cha.

DATE OF BIRTH. » 2 july 2011 (future verse character).

SPECIES. » Hybrid between a witch and a vampyre.


OCCUPATION. » Fashion designer.

ALIGNMENT. » Chaotic good : those that combine a good heart with a free spirit.

PERSONALITY. » She attempts to be as optimistic as her adoptive mother, especially during her childhood and adolescent years, though she'd keep on trying to copy the redhead's personality. Given her background, she always believed herself to be unworthy, thus forcing it upon herself to imitate those she deems will grant her the love she doesn't think she could get otherwise. She, however, has tendencies to act out and make inappropriate comments regardless of the situation: which she rapidly regrets, but cannot control. Her capture will have a dire effect on her and while she used to have quite the lively and inquisitive persona, she becomes morose and even aggressive at times, shutting herself from everyone else but the one person who has turned her into the monster she will then view herself as.

FACECLAIM / s. » Lily-Rose Depp and Jenny Boyd.


  »» Charlie was abandoned at birth by her mother after being born in a psychiatric hospital. The only thing her mother ever gave her was a necklace, upon which was her name. Charlie Tabitha. None of these names meant anything to the girl, but to the mother? They meant everything. More specifically, a chance to find her again, if, one day, she ever changed her mind about raising her daughter.

  »» She was sent to an adoption center from that point on, and was rapidly taken in by a family who couldn't have children. Or so it'd appeared at the time. They fostered her for the first three years of her life, until Sally got pregnant. And, not just with one, but three children. Considering how difficult Charlie was on her own, they decided to give her back to the adoption center, without saying so much as a word. Despite her young age, she felt severely betrayed and unloved then. And the next family who decided to foster her wasn't any better. In fact, she would argue they were worse, even if at least, they were honest about what they wanted from her. Indeed, this new family was a cover up for illicit actions of all sorts. They sold weapons, drugs and even went as far as to indulge in human trafficking at times.

  »» She remained with them for two more years, until they deemed her ready of earning her keep. Not by working, but by being sold. Since she was now legally their daughter, they deemed themselves justified to do with her as they pleased: which, for them, meant selling her to the highest bidder. They didn't care what would happen to her, as long as she earned them money.

  »» It was the night before the final sale that the police raided their home, finding all the evidences necessary to put them in prison for the rest of their lives. But as the detectives sent them away in police cars, one of them stumbled upon a child, eyes filled with tears and terror: until she met the detective's gaze. Kalisia Tenelth's. The latter decided to adopt her, and she has remained with her ever since. At last, finding a family that loved her the way she deserved to be, the way she'd always dreamt of being loved. She didn't hesitate much before calling her mom : almost as if it was always meant to be this way.

  »» While being raised as a Tenelth was a blessing to the young girl, the newly acquired family members would often be met with jealousy as she remained frightened of the possibility that Kalisia would one day decide that she wasn't as important to her as the others were. That aspect of her personality only worsened when Valeri was born, getting severe flashbacks from her first household despite how young she was then. And how young she still was. Her fear of abandonment is something she struggles with on a daily basis, no matter how aware she is of the love her family has for her. It leads her to having rather somber thoughts, especially regarding her adoptive siblings. Thankfully, her close circle manage to keep those thoughts at bay for the most part, helping her defeat the darkest parts of her.

  »» At sixteen years old, she is diagnosed with bipolar disorder, which she inherently refutes despite how much sense it makes. Indeed, throughout most of her life, she has had to deal with drastic shifts of personality from ecstasy to depressive thoughts and behaviors. She has always known something was different about her, no matter how much she has tried to repress it throughout the years in hopes it may one day simply.. go away. Alas, it hasn't, nor will it ever. It's something she learns to live with every day and learns how to manage, though there are times when she inevitably relapses in spite of the medication she is given.

  »» When she reaches her majority, Charlie seeks her adoptive mother's aid to find her biological parents. Considering the latter is in the forces, she has access to records she may not. In less than a couple of months, Kalisia finds the father. Roman Johnson. Although unaware of her very existence, Katlynn had written him down as the biological father. Again, just in case. She meets with him, and through him, she also finds her biological mother. Who happens to have quite the rocky past with Kalisia. Though she is glad of having met her biological parents, she doesn't insist much on knowing them. At least, she doesn't until Roman suggests they meet every now and then, to get to know each other or just spend time together. She agrees, and finds herself having a lot of similarities with her father. Notably, their similar humor.

  »» What truly brings her to the edge occurs in 2035 : When she is abducted by none other than the infamous terrorist Damon Roux. She is twenty-three at the time, and will never get to age another day. Damon abducts her after she finishes a class, drugging her and bringing her to an abandoned cabin in the middle of the woods, chained. The ordeal lasts a couple of months, and little by little, she begins to buy into his manipulation : unaware that the reason why she doesn't appear in the news isn't because no one cares about her, but because Damon has threatened the lives of her sister and brother if they dared make the case public. Thus, she is led to believe that her family isn't looking for her. Simply because they do not care to. And that leads her into his arms. An unexpected turn of event for him, perhaps, at least in such an intimate form, but natural to her. Indeed, if she cannot be loved by them, she will be loved by the man who has done so much to get her to see the truth. A truth he has spun in his favor, to the point of making her fall in love with him : if you can call being victim of Stockholm Syndrome as such. This will lead her to do the thing she will regret most, which is ask him to turn her into a vampyre so she will get to be with him forever. Which he agrees to do, wholeheartedly so.

  »» It's only after her transformation that she realizes what he has done. And by extension, what she has done to herself. Not only does she now have to deal with her bipolar disorder, she also has to worry about her newly acquired vampyre thirst. Not only that, but during the capture, she unlocks powers she never even knew the existence of, revealing herself as a witch. And, mind you, not a simple witch but one from an ancient bloodline dating back to before the French Revolution : the Chevaliers. More precisely, she is the descendant of Agathe and Lucien Chevalier, an incestuous relation between mother and son who still roam the earth, killing every witch hunter that crosses their path. This part of her past, however, she still ignores. As does her biological mother.

  »» Detaching herself from Damon isn't as easy as she believes, even after coming to term with the fact that he has lied and manipulated her all this time. And that he, in fact, never cared for her despite his numerous claims of the contrary. The anger she felt before unlocking her magical abilities worsens, as do the dark thoughts she once managed to keep at bay : no more. During a late night walk in New York, she finds herself being drawn to the scent of blood pumping in passersby's veins. Until she eventually cracks and feeds on a human, unable to stop herself this time. It isn't the first time she feeds on someone, but it's the first time she does it without Damon holding her hand through the process.

photo of character linked Ascal Vetag
photo of character linked Vamir Erfolg
photo of character linked Katlynn Maddox
Biological estranged mother
photo of character linked Keir Danann
Close bond
photo of character linked Nyssa Matthews
Biological mother's alter-ego
photo of character linked
Anarra Lyrroth
Sisterly bond
photo of character linked
Ares Lyrroth
Father Figure
photo of character linked
Arvia Flaxen
Former nanny and best friend
photo of character linked
Atlas Tenoch
Former best friend (betrayal)
photo of character linked
Ciel Beaumont
Adoptive brother
photo of character linked
Damon Roux
Abductor and past lover
photo of character linked
Declan Harper
Friends with benefits, partners in chaos
photo of character linked
Dimitrius Tharos
photo of character linked
Droya Slavik
Tentative friendship
photo of character linked
Faelyn Tharos
photo of character linked
Isobel Winchester
Close friend
photo of character linked
Kalisia Tenelth
Adoptive mother
photo of character linked
Keerrianne Worthers
Brief lover and time travel companion
photo of character linked
Leith Elias
Brief crush and friend
photo of character linked
Myla Mortem
Benefitial arrangement
photo of character linked
Nero Venric
Love interest
photo of character linked
Tabris Tharos
photo of character linked
Valeri Zakog
Adoptive sister
photo of character linked
Vetro Simmons
Unconventional friendship
photo of character linked
Wistari Wetag
Close familial bond
photo of character linked
Duarte Zakog
Familial bond
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