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Keir Dannan
Ordeal by fire
Picture of Keir

NAME. » Keir Danann.

ALSO KNOWN AS. » Keir Vetag / The Forgotten Son.

DATE OF BIRTH. » October 30th, 326 A.D.

SPECIES. » Half-fae, lycan and warlock.


OCCUPATION. » Fashion designer.

ALIGNMENT. » Chaotic good : those that combine a good heart with a free spirit.

PERSONALITY. » Keir is much alike his father despite having been mostly raised by his mother. He was raised on stories of him, and took a liking to the idea of becoming his childhood hero despite the longing of seeing him. He is flippant and passionate, as well as deeply caring. Sarcasm tends to be his first response whenever met with personal issues, though he will be serious when someone needs him to be. The knowledge that he comes from two royal lines, however, has given him the tendency to be quite arrogant at times. Despite not desiring either throne, he is well-aware of what he could obtain if he exposed himself as a prince not only of the Fae realm, but of the supernatural one as well. The sole reason why he keeps it hidden is because he has made promises he doesn’t intend to break. But, who knows what may happen when his incline for alcohol worsens and makes his tongue loosen?

FACECLAIM / s. » Thomas Doherty.


  »» Since before his birth, Keir had his entire existence hidden from the rest of the world. As a male of the Vetag bloodline, his father feared the title of heir would be forced onto him since he hadn’t owned up to it. Therefore, he was raised by his mother, away from all supernatural hierarchy. Aside from occasional visits to the Underground, his mother’s homeland.

  »» When his mother returned to Ireland with a child in her arms, she refused to let anyone know his father’s name and origin. To all, but to him. While he never knew his name until long, Keir heard stories of his eccentric father. He knew of his joys, of his tragedies and built himself from those stories, from the mental image he made of him in his head.

  »» At age fifteen, he met him during an arranged greet. Despite him not quite living up to his expectations, he was beyond happy to have met him. From that moment on, these encounters would repeat on special occasions so as not to bring any suspicions as to his identity. After all, a fatherless child who spends a lot of time with a man who could be his father would, indeed, spark a conversation. And amidst courts, that was the last thing they needed.

  »» When Keir reached seventeen years old, he decided to travel the world : with his mother’s agreement, and a promise to use the spells she had taught him to communicate long-distance. Because of this, he has learned to master astral projections out of habit.

  »» For decades, Keir lived a life of debauchery and exploration. Learning languages, as well as instruments and knowledge on the bodies of both men and women. Throughout his time in various cities across the globe, he found a taste for the art. Specifically, for fashion. While not called as such at the time, it was then he found his passion. In the early 1720s, he had an affair with a woman named Françoise Leclerc, before the latter eventually became queen Marie Leszczynska’s official seamstress. He inspired her, and she inspired him in return. The two called it quits, and he returned to his mother as he finally felt homesick enough that astral meetings were no longer enough.

  »» In the 1900s, Keir launched his own fashion designing house through a woman he had met years prior and had taken a liking to. She was mortal, and he intended to keep it that way despite his sentiments for her. She would be the face to adorn his brand, but he remained the mind behind her fleeting beauty. Only in modern age has he taken his role as head of the house, eager for the attention it would grant him.

  »» He has recently reunited with his parents in more public settings, though his identity remains secret to most.

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